Everything you need to know to climb on southern sandstone

With glorious hot sunny weather (well hopefully), there has never been a better time to take your climbing outside onto the Southern Sandstone. Rigging (setting up the ropes) Sandstone for climbing is a fairly simple to learn, but doing it correctly is key to safe climbing.

We are running rigging set-up courses on a bespoke basis. They would be perfect for an indoor climber who wants to learn how to climb outside, or for someone who has bouldered and wants to learn some rope techniques for climbing longer routes.

There is also a strict ethic around Sandstone climbing to help prevent erosion and a correct anchor set up is vital to maintain the rock.

Who is it for?

Anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of setting up ropes for outside climbing.

What we will cover

  • Equipment choice

  • Correct belay procedures

  • Choosing and assessing man-made and natural anchors

  • Basic knots required for rigging

  • Avoiding erosion from anchor placement

  • Common problems and how to solve them

  • Lots of climbing!

Course Dates

We run all our courses and guided days as private bookings for you and your group, so decide on dates which suit you and book now!


Price and Duration

See our pricing here.


Up to 6 participants.


Harrisons Rocks, East Sussex.

Book Now

Use the booking form to book now or email contact@straightupadventures.co.uk or call 07906608819